Tuesday 2 November 2010

Treatment (Subcity)


Working Title: The title of our radio broadcast will be Sub City.

Length: The length of our radio show will be 60 minutes.

Format: The radio show will be recorded on the Myriad desk, along with the idents. The vocals for the radio promo were recorded on the Myriad desk, but the music featured in the promo was recorded on an apple Mac laptop and also edited on Soundtrack Pro, also on the laptop. The video promos were recorded on Sony HD DV Cameras and then edited on Final cut Pro. The sound output from the Myriad desk will be in Stereo format.

Target Audience: The target audience for our show will be 15 to 25 year olds. This is because the music genres we have chosen to include in our show are most popular within these age ranges. Also this target audience is the same for Radio 1 and Radio 1 Xtra; which are the closest shows to relate our audiences with.

Synopsis: The Sub City show will be based on playing none mainstream Dubstep and Drum and Bass music that will attract the target audiences because these types of music, especially dubstep are not as commonly played on the radio as most other genres. The idea of Sub City is to play these genres of music to the largely growing audience, as well informing them of upcoming events and gigs that they can go to and hear these types of music live. The show will also include a news clip which will offer information that is relevant to the target audience ages; as well as a section of the show where we talk about children in need. A live feature of the show will be an interview with an up and coming Dj who will also announce the winner of the Sub City challenge (pre recorded video).
Feasibility: The show is very feasible to create. We are all passionate about the music we have selected to play, and we understand how our target audience will react to this type of music. We have also created a YouTube channel and Face Book page which have both received positive support and feedback from many members of the general public. The music was all easily accessible because we already had most of the songs because it is music that we enjoy listening to anyway. We ran through the show many times and each time seemed more successful than the previous, so we are more than ready to commit to the live show.
Budget: The creation of this show will not need a budget.

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