Working Title: The Mojo Show.
Length: The show will be 1 hour in duration, we will ensure that the myriad desk is set up to play the idents, beds and tracks at the exacted time automatically.
Format: The show will be recorded onto Myriad using the Alice 2000 desk. The pre-recorded show will then broadcast live via All the idents and beds were pre-recorded using a Zoom Mp3 recorder and edited on Soundtrack Pro. The Promo will be shot using Sony AA DV camcorder and then edited using Final Cut Pro.
Target Audience: The target audience for our show is 15 – 25 years old. All the music content is either live performances, acoustic or covers from a variety of famous artist. The physiographic research tells us our audience are really passionate about their music and would like to hear their favourite artist perform unconventional tracks. The target audience is similar to radio 1 and radio 2 as the artist chosen is usually played on this stations. The show will be broadcast around Stratford College and on the Internet. The content will be shown on facebook and youtube, these are sites aimed at our target audience.
Synopsis: Greg Martin, Jack Dargov and James D’arcy will present the show. The show is aims to play unconventional music, from modern and popular artist. The genre of music is very diverse from artist like Thinchy Stryder to the Arctic Monkeys. The entire track selection is very up to date and modern. The show is aim at people that are passionate about there music and don’t want to hear artist being auto tuned by their record labels and want experience the raw sound from the artist. In such the presenter will discuses in light hearted and informal debate about the tracks intelligently, and advice the audience of artist we like, promoting events in the local area where they can listen to similar music. With the recent successes of radio 1 live lounge CD that has just realised 5th Vol CD, show there is an growing demand for the music. Our main feature is (Up and Coming Artist) we get 3 up and coming artist to perform. Then the audience will vote on there favourite intern donate money to CIN. The Video of their performances will be post on our Youtube and Facebook page. This cross-media platform of our station, will give our audience more interaction with the radio station.
Style: The style of the show will be informal and light-hearted chat with some banter, however our tone will be charm and relaxed as this is a lunchtime show.
Feasibility: The show is very feasible to create, we’ve understood our target audience well this will be shown in our research.
Budget: There is no budget.
Deadlines: 5th November.
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